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Friday, September 23, 2011

Korean Chicken & Eggplant Salad

At my Church, after the service ended, we always have lunch together. We have 2 different cooking team that take turn to cook for everyone, and sometimes it's potluck too. One day, my friend Hiromi made this light and delicious chicken and eggplant salad, and this dish is inspired by her delicious dish.
She wrote me a recipe with the precise measurement, but I don't really use measurement for my salad, I keep tasting and season, tasting and season my food, until I satisfied with the taste. This dish is very easy, healthy and  delicious <3

1/2 pack of boneless skinless chicken tight. Trim the fat.
2 big eggplants, halves then and cut into 4.

Sauce Ingredients,
Aji-Mirin / sweet cooking rice wine
Korean red pepper powder
light soy sauce
sesame oil
roasted sesame seeds
black pepper & sugar
4 garlic, chopped.
5 green onion, chopped medium length

Cooking Method, 
1. Boil the chicken meat, then chopped into smaller pieces. set aside.
2. Steam the eggplants, then set aside.
3. Mix the sauce ingredients in a large bowl. I like mine taste tangy / sour, so pretty much my comparison for the mirin : soy sauce : sesame oil = 2 : 2 : 1. You can adjust the sauce to your own personal taste.
4. Add the Korean redd pepper powder, roasted sesame seeds, chopped garlic, then dash some black pepper and sugar.
5. Taste Taste Taste!
6. When you already satisfied with the sauce, toss in the chicken, eggplants and green onion. Mix them well.
7. it's ready to eat.

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